Alex Sullivan
Alex Sullivan
Alex, called “Sully” by his friends, treated everyone as if they were lifelong friends. He was smart, funny, and loved dearly by his friends, family, and everyone he met. Alex was a gentle giant, known and loved by so many. He always had a glowing smile on his face and welcomed the chance to meet new people. Alex enjoyed all sorts of movies, was an avid comic book geek, and loved the New York Mets. Alex has left a HUGE impact on all his friends and family and is greatly missed by all. On his 27th birthday, Alex died while he was attending the Dark Knight Rises, with several coworkers. His excitement could be heard by many throughout the movie theater that night and beyond. Alex was married and set to celebrate his 1 year anniversary just 2 days following his tragic passing.
The family of Alex Sullivan support the The Alex Sullivan Learning Scholarship.

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The 7/20 memorial foundation is composed of family of victims, survivors, and others directly impacted by the tragedy of July 20th, 2012.
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Our mission is to continue to be a resource for other communities who experience mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional struggles after mass tragedy.
We recognize and advocate for the many layers of mass tragedy resource needs, from triage to recovery to healing, for long-term resiliency.