About Us
CEO-Heather Dearman
COO/Secretary-Jansen Young
Treasurer-Billy Stiggers
Board of Directors: Heather Bailey, Tiina Coon, Katie Medley
Honorary Members: Theresa Hoover, Bill Hoover, Rena Medek, Terry Sullivan, Megan Sullivan-Jenks
Our 501c3 non profit organization was formed in March of 2013 to carry out the fundraising, planning, and oversight of the construction of the permanent 7/20 memorial. That vision was realized in July of 2018 and our organization has metamorphosed into supporting other communities who experience a similar tragedy. Our board has been made up of loved ones and survivors of the tragedy, but we are currently looking for others to be a part of our mission. Contact us if you are interested
Our Core Values:
• Passionately advocating for healing and long term resiliency for survivors & communities affected by mass tragedy
• Continually offering hope & positivity to those affected by adversity
• Compassionately collaborating with other like-minded organizations
We are passionate about honoring those we lost by continuing to pay forward the love that was so generously given to us. We remember: